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Ilterendi is the legendary gemstone of the Sun Elves, one of Esk's Tears. Considered the crown jewel of Vestia, the gemstone has been used by the royal family extensively. In times of war, Ilterendi has been responsible for engulfing entire towns in flame, and entire armies. The maximum force of the gemstone causes explosions that could decimate an entire city in a flash of light and fire.


Ilterendi was gifted by the gods to the sun elves to show that the elves and dwarves were both loved equally by the gods. However it ended up being used as a weapon of mass destruction by the sun elves against the dwarves. This resulted in the gods creating humanity to bridge the gap between the two nations.

Ilterendi had been attempted to be combined with Mithrus when it was stolen by Dark Dwarves. The theft of the crown jewel incensed the people of Vestia into starting another war with the Dwarves. Ilterendi was returned by King Lokkhan to end the war.

Current Status

Ilterendi is safely in the possession of Veladriel Dawnwalker, in her wedding ring.