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A - K

Ahellion Dawnwalker: A talented rogue. King of the Sun Elves.

Arilos Sunshade:

Callum Everbreeze: A young elf courier working for Ravielle Riversong.

Castiel Q'endorien:

Dain Riversong: Ravielle's son.

Jard Stonebrook: A human Shadow Hunter traveling with Kallix Erendwain.

Kallix Erendwain: A Dark Elf beastamer fulfilling her clan's rite of passage.

L - Z

Ravielle Riversong: Ravielle is a powerful druidic healer and leads the Wood Elves.

Veladriel Dawnwalker: Devout warpriestess of Varos. Queen of the Sun Elves.

Wendu: The local watershaper and spiritual guide for Aramfel.