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Callum Everbreeze

Callum Everbreeze is Ravielle Riversong's right hand in the city of Rivilen. Callum has diligently followed Ravielle's orders and adopted her way of life, even down to taking studious notes of every day activities.

Callum has had contact with Jard Stonebrook and Kallix Eredwain during the Drums of War campaign. He directed them to Rivilen safely, and helped them settle in when they arrived. When they departed Callum saw them safely out of wood elf territory.

Callum is about 250 years old, but looks young for a wood elf. He has brown skin and curly caramel-colored hair and wears blue and green silks with silent bells dangling from his sleeves. His belt is trimmed with gold and he goes barefoot. Callum wears a thin gold circlet, signifying his rank as one of Ravielle Riversong's attendants.


Callum is friendly, personable, and a pacifist. Not all wood elves are pacifist; but Callum does not harm creatures and is relatively defenseless in combat. He can heal allies and subdue enemies by tangling them in conjured roots and vines. Callum is a bit effeminate.


- Lived in Vestia as a sun elf

- Worked as a beekeeper to provide honey for winemaking

- Loved Navira, but Navira was already taken

- Traveled to Redleaf Woods and trained as a healer (50 years old)

- Now works as Ravielle's courier