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Lizardlike humanoids (Lizardfolk) possess an alien and inscrutable mindset, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of basic principles than those of warm-blooded creatures. They focus on survival above all, without sentiment, and assess everyone and everything in terms of utility. The few that have been seen are elitists, holding themselves above other races. They are tough, strong, and brutal. No one is quite sure where they came from.

Lizardfolk live in the Sufros Jungle and Bogmire in Isandor.

Stories have been told of their homeland somewhere in Isandor. Supposedly the hidden city of Isharator, translated loosely as "The Capital of the Red Sun" in their language, houses their nobility and elite. It is from there that their people make a holy pilgrimage once a year to worship at the statues of their god.

Many Lizardfolk worship Varos as the god of the Sun. They believe one day Varos will choose them as his chosen people, and elevate them to rule the world. In comparison to Vestia, Lizardfolk are more secluded, and believe in a true union of the military and their religion, whereas Vestia keeps the two separate.

The most common encounter with a Lizardfolk is that of a Lizardfolk paladin on a holy pilgrimage, or on a sacred mission. They rarely yield details about these missions, and much is shrouded in secrecy.