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To Do List

Pages Lacking Info

See Special:WantedPages. There are 80 as of 6/5/19.

Wiki Text Updates and New Pages:

  • Make new page with cool weapon abilities (like Brutal 1 or High Crit).
  • Update Defense References: Characters now only have one single Defense stat. All references to Physical and Magical Defense must be removed.
  • Update dark elf page explaining Laubrekkor massacre and the humans/ half elves
  • Drekthar is the dark elf clan that eats hearts; add Hestia lore that Hestia is the one who helped militarize dark elves against the sun elves
  • Comprehensive list of all items in game for single reference
  • Compendium of Tier Abilities
  • Compendium of creature templates balanced for fighting various level characters
  • Pushes, pulls, teleports, and other movement abilities have been reworked. Now they factor in a relevant skill. To push someone for example, the applicable skill is Strength. One can add 20 + applicable stat = x feet, and then further use these rules to determine how far they can push with a Tier ability:

AOE push / pull: 0.5x distance from yourself

ST push / pull: 1x distance from yourself

Teleport another target: 1x distance from target

Teleport yourself: 1.5x distance from yourself

  • Finish Professions
  • Finish pages on all the Gods following the Varos page as a template (needs meaningful backstory, image, etc. Also must consider how gods can be defeated, and that should be logged: ie, Kerrigor must be killed within the Afterlife for his divinity to be taken away)
  • Finish pages on all races -- should make template and follow it for all races, including appearance, culture, values, geopolitical standing, and other racial flavor such as favored professions, language, etc.
  • Character Creation walkthrough page -- "If you are beginning a character from scratch, start on the Character Creation page. It will guide you through the character creation process." This is not the same as the index of rules. A new person who is unfamiliar with Ilisara should be able to use this to build a character step by step.

Items Requiring Discussion

Spell schools

  • Psychic magic is a "gamble" that incorporates charisma modifiers. Should other spell schools have their own identity, such as fire magic hitting allies in the blast but having a burn effect for more damage, or ice doing ... something? Not sure. Spell schools can already be 2x as effective or 0.5x as effecting against creatures that are "weak" to a certain spell type or "resistant" to another but it just got me thinking when we designed psychic spells to be so flavorful.

Paragon Paths

  • Paragon Paths vs Tier System. An addendum or a replacement?

Out of Combat Abilities

  • Draft a Cantrip list
  • Consider Out of Combat ability creation templates / balancing
  • Consider Out of Combat ability limits in correlation to Tier System
  • Consider Out of Combat resource costs


Decided, see discord