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General Khaazheem


General Khaazheem is possibly one of the greatest warriors in Ilisara. Rivaled even by Ahellion Dawnwalker and Markus Thrain, his prowess on the battlefield is legendary. Standing eight feet tall, he lumbers onto the battlefield with incredible strength. Some claim he is a half giant, while others doubt, claiming that an orc and a half giant would be much larger.

Khaazheem earned his commission as an enlisted warrior in the Uruk clan, one of the greatest militarized clans in the Orcish Warlords. He fought in the pits until he had proven himself worthy to the shamans, who proclaimed him an officer. From there, he went on to wage battles against the final Centaur holdout clan. His victory over them is legend, not for the acts of bravery or valor executed by Khaazheem himself, but rather for his mercy at the end of the battle. He offered the Centaur leaders a choice: join him and his clan, or be taken prisoners to the shamans. He made sure that when they chose to be his prisoners, that none of his men abused the captives. They were extremely well treated, and honorably respected.

The clan would later join him anyway, out of respect for him. His soldiers look up to him as a hero, and he is greatly loved by the many peoples in the Orcish Warlords forces.

He has been tasked with the destruction of the Confederacy, and the conquering of Hellan.

One of the aspects that make the General unique, is that his family has sacrificed more than most to the religious caste. He has lost three sons to the fighting pits, and all of his daughters. His lone son now serves as a grunt in his army. His high price has caused him to be wary of the Blood god and his shamans.

Personality traits

General Khaazheem is loyal above all else, and honorable. He would rather lose a battle than resort to distasteful tactics.