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The Confederacy is an alliance of Sun Elves, Dwarves, and the human nation of Thrain. The Confederacy is the leading power on Hellan, one of two super powers in the world.

The Confederacy has also been courted by the Halflings and Wood Elves(?) for entry at times. The Confederacy has declined their entry at this time.


The Confederacy was first formed in the year 500, in the wake of the Great War. It took over fifty years of negotiating in order to bring about, and it initially seemed like it would fail as the Sun Elves began to threaten the dwarves with the prospect of another war, but then in a sudden reversal the Dwarves came around to agreeing to a Confederacy.

The Confederacy is controlled by a ruling council of ambassadors from each member state, each with one vote. The nations that make up the Confederacy contribute a portion of their militaries to the Confederate council control, as well as economic assistance. This support has allowed for roads between nations to be secured and built, and for infrastructure in Hellan to be improved.

Internal Political Stances

The Dwarves tend to believe that they give more than their fair share to the Confederacy, because the Sun Elves and humans of Thrain have agreed in a 2-1 vote that all nations should give an equal amount, as opposed to an equal proportion of their wealth and army. This causes them to be reluctant to vote on any new measures to improve infrastructure, or military action.

The Sun Elves believe that the Confederacy could be used to benefit the nations in Hellan indirectly. They view the spending as a way to control what the Dwarves in particular budget for, and it affords their far richer nation the ability to control the council to their will at times. There has been rumor that the Sun Elves seek to eventually conquer the world some day, but it has largely been dismissed since they are so willing to contribute to a cooperative power like the Confederacy.

The humans of Thrain tend to be a deciding vote on the council. They often weigh between the stances of their counterparts, and decide on what is best for the land. Their interests are purely benevolent, as they want to be fair and balanced as they improve the lives of everyone. On rare occasion, they will side with one power or the other if it does suit their own personal interests, but these events are few and far between.