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Character Abilities


Basic Attack

Every character in the Ilisara RPG has a basic attack: the simplest, most-practiced move they know. Maybe it's swinging a sword, or casting a magic missile. Regardless, the Basic Attack is something a character can use as many times as they want in a combat encounter.

Tier Abilities

The Ilisara RPG has some expanded ability types that characters can use in combat, called Tier Abilities. Tier Abilities are limited in usage. They have a number of charges that deplete when they get used. Those charges immediately regenerate out of combat. Tier Abilities are special moves, often including special utility or dramatic secondary effects.

There are three types of Tier Abilities:

  • Tier 3 abilities may be used three times per combat encounter
  • Tier 2 abilities may be used twice per combat encounter
  • Tier 1 abilities may be used once per combat encounter

Tier 1 abilities are incredibly strong character-defining abilities that represent your "signature move". Tier 2 abilities are quite powerful. Tier 3 abilities are usually utilitarian.

Rather than providing a list of Tier abilities for you to choose from, there are no limits in the Ilisara RPG. Instead, there are guidelines for building your own Tier abilities from scratch. Your character’s moves should be custom and unique, and your imagination is the limit.

You design Tier 1, 2, and 3 abilities as you level up. A Level 1 character begins without any Tier abilities.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3 Design a Tier 3 Ability
Level 4
Level 5 Design a Tier 2 Ability
Level 6
Level 7 Design a Tier 3 Ability
Level 8
Level 9 Design a Tier 1 Ability
Level 10 Design a Tier 2 Ability


The Ilisara RPG allows you to build any class you like and flavor your abilities any way you see fit. There are no official classes. However, you can draw inspiration from fantasy classes from games, movies, or books! Here are some ideas to get you started on deciding a “theme” or “class” for your character.


Fighter / Berserker

Ranger / Hunter

Monk / Ninja

Thief / Rogue / Assassin





Mage / Wizard / Sorcerer

Swordmage / Bladescribe

Warlock / Necromancer





Shaman / Elementalist






Priest / Runepriest




Chaos Knight









Caster or Non-caster?

There are two types of characters in this game, and two paths for character progression: Caster and Non-caster. Casters include things like mages, warlocks, wizards, (some) druids, elementalists, etc.; basically, people who use magic spells. Non-casters are rogues, warriors, rangers, hunters, knights, cavaliers, etc.; basically, people who use weapons.

Here are some differences:

General Differences

  • Casters must put points into Arcana to use spells, whereas non-casters must put points into Strength and Dexterity to use weapons.

Basic Attack

  • Casters start with a ranged basic attack -- a spell -- that deals damage. Their basic attacks get small increased damage modifiers as they level up. In this way, casters are relatively simple to build, and have a linear path to upgrade their basic attack.
  • Non-casters start with a weapon that determines what their basic attack is. They can upgrade their weapon using gemstones, craft a new weapon with higher-quality materials, or buy a new weapon at any time -- providing a non-linear path to upgrading their damage output.

Tier Abilities

  • Casters use a specific damage template and format for their damaging / healing abilities.
  • Non-casters use their weapon damage to determine how much damage their Tier abilities do.
  • Casters require a certain amount of Arcana to create Tier abilities.
  • Non-casters require a certain amount of Strength and/or Dexterity to create Tier abilities and wield weapons.