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Fort Victory

Fort Victory is the only purely human run military position in Ilisara. The fortress is a vital choke point between Hellan and Isandor. It shares lines of supply and communication with it's sister military establishments from the sun elves and the dwarves, Arelas and Fort Burmos respectively.

Strategic Importance

Fort Victory is the most likely point of attack from the Orcish Warlords into the Confederacy. It is heavily manned, and run by the finest soldiers known to Thrain. The fort has a river border with the orcs, but has a bridge that spans the river. The bridge itself is indefensible, but vital to the Confederacy's operations in Isandor. The bridge is often referred to as "The Great Bridge" because it is nearly half a mile wide, and three miles long. The fort's gates stand at the end of the bridge. The rest of the river is dotted with canons that will rip incoming landing craft to shreds.

Ties with other fortresses

There are constant lines of communication along the border. Each fortress has a citadel that sends ravens back and forth between the three fortresses, ensuring that should the Orcs attack any point, the Confederacy would quickly respond.