Wiki Updates to be done:
- Update Defense References: Characters now only have one single Defense stat. All references to Physical and Magical Defense must be removed.
- Attack bonuses: Characters get inherent bonuses to attack rolls as they level up, at level 10, this equals +6 attack. They should receive +2 attack at level 5, +2 at level 7, +2 at level 10. This needs to be added to Character Progression and updated on all pages referencing Attack and Defense.
- Movement: Tier 3 abilities can move a character 1.5 their normal move speed. All references to Tier 3 abilities and Movement speed need to be updated with this rule.
- Comprehensive list of all items in game for single reference
- Compendium of Tier Abilities
- Create template for all Tier Ability types on one page
- Compendium of creature templates balanced for fighting various level characters
- Finish Professions
- Finish pages on all the Gods following the Varos page as a template (needs meaningful backstory, image, etc. Also must consider how gods can be defeated, and that should be logged: ie, Kerrigor must be killed within the Afterlifefor his divinity to be taken away)
- Finish pages on all races -- should make template and follow it for all races, including appearance, culture, values, geopolitical standing, and other racial flavor such as favored professions, language, etc.
- Character Creation walkthrough page -- "If you are beginning a character from scratch, start on the Character Creation page. It will guide you through the character creation process." This is not the same as the index of rules. A new person who is unfamiliar with Ilisara should be able to use this to build a character step by step.
Items Requiring Discussion
Movement and Utility
- Movement: Tier 3 abilities can move a character 1.5 their normal move speed. What about Tier 2? Tier 1?
Paragon Paths
- Paragon Paths vs Tier System. An addendum or a replacement?
Out of Combat Abilities
- Draft a Cantrip list
- Consider Out of Combat ability creation templates / balancing
- Consider Out of Combat ability limits in correlation to Tier System
- Consider Out of Combat resource costs