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Amarinth Uri’pe

Description: Amarinth is a physically imposing woman. She wears a dark vest with golden trim over her white shirt. Her brown leather gloves and pants are well-kept, and her tan boots flare out at the collars. Her black hair is wavy and long. Her eyes are a piercing emerald green. Her teeth are white and perfect.

Personality: Amarinth is well mannered. She has an amazing amount of patience and a slow boiling temper. She is keen, sharp, and tries to be diplomatic in every effort she undertakes. She looks down upon all the other races of the world as inferior.

History: Amarinth is brutal, zealous, and popularized many sick traditions when her clan rose to power as the prime military force of Winterheart. Eating the hearts of enemies, torturing foes by flaying them alive, cutting off fingers and hands for crimes, and other dark rituals are now a large part of dark elf culture. Skolrith became her consort about 50 years ago.

Motivation: A true patriot, Amarinth would do anything for her country no matter the cost. She is fiercely protective of her fellow citizens.