It is important to understand the world's geographical regions to understand the races that live in them. See the Locations page for a world map. At the very least, know that two very large islands stand in the middle of a great ocean. Hellan is the western island, and Isandor is the eastern island.
History of Hellan
Hellan is ruled by the Confederacy, which is an alliance of humans, dwarves, and elves. The Confederacy is very old, and the alliance is fragile. Factional disputes between member races are common, particularly between elves and dwarves. Humanity is the glue that holds the confederacy together.
Halflings are notably missing from the leadership of the Confederacy -- causing minor rebellions from time to time. In general, the Halflings have had to become increasingly reclusive in order to escape the oppression of the Confederacy. Most Halflings that exist within the Confederacy's major cities, towns, and roads are thieves and outlaws by necessity. They live in a safe-haven within the Hidden Valley, unbeknownst to the Confederacy.
History of Isandor
Isandor is in open war with the Confederacy, ruled by the Orcish Warlords. Their nation is a barbaric tribal system, with the largest alpha tribe dominating the lesser tribes by sheer force of will. In their culture, their greatest warrior is the leader of their people. The lands ruled by the Orcs is inhospitable, an aftermath of a long drawn out internal war that was only stopped by necessity when a large volcano erupted on the island. The terrain varies between desert, volcanic, and a few grasslands.
There are a few species of animaloids on Isandor. Most of them were conquered long ago, and serve alongside the orcs within their tribal system. Despite the Orcish Warlords’ ruthless warlike nature, they are far less prejudiced against races than the Confederacy because they value strength and tradition above birthright.
Visit the Timeline page to view a complete timeline of the history of Isandor and Hellan. The timeline includes important events, like the Great War, which is the foundation for why elves and dwarves do not get along in the Ilisara universe.
Visit the Geopolitics page to understand who is allied with who, view a map of the various races and their territories, and get an in-depth look at the war in Ilisara.