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Casimir Duskheart

Name: Casimir Duskheart

Gender: Male

Age: 48

Species: Sun Elf

Home: Cirhain

Occupation: I am a Lord. I also know how to cook. Chef

Family: Israh Duskheart (twin sister), Duchess Arilla Duskheart (mother), Cassian Duskheart (brother, recently deceased)

Personality: Carefree, inquisitive, playful

Powers: As most fighters press on in a fight, their vitality wanes. A second wind may come and pass, but ultimately they spend themselves. Casimir does not. As the bloodshed and carnage around him intensifies, his vigor and vitality only increases. He is adaptive to any situation, using his surprisingly nimble athleticism and massive broadsword to punish his foes while outlasting those who try to best him.


1. Perseverance, determination

2. Bravery, nobility

3. Discovery, exploration

More important than anything else: Family. I need to watch my twin sister's back, and free my mother from wrongful imprisonment.

The ideal life means: Wealth, power, and the admiration of others... and a partner to enjoy it with.



I hate hypocrites and enjoy tactical, well-thought-out plans, but never hesitate to take immediate action if the situation calls for it. Sometimes, that makes me reckless.