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== Description ==
== Description ==
Dwarves are solid and enduring like the mountains they love, weathering the passage of centuries with stoic endurance and little change. They are a proud and noble people who hail from the [[Snowfell Mountains]]. Their capitol city, [[Snowpeak]], can be found in the largest mountain in the Snowfell Mountain Range.  
Humans in Ilisara are widespread. They can be found all over Hellan. Aside from a few scattered colonies too few in number to be notable, all humans are citizens of the great nation of [[Thrain]]. Thrain is not only the human capital, but the empire of humanity in Ilisara.  
Dwarves trace their ancestry back to the founding of their most ancient strongholds in the youth of the world. Their patron god is [[Duros]], who upholds the dwarven ideals of industrious labor, skill in battle, and devotion to the forge. Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners, and workers of stone and metal.
In general, humans are intelligent and straight-forward people, viewed favorably by the other races for their contributions to geopolitics and creativity. They are renown for their diversity and democratic tendencies, and although they lack specialization, they can excel in many areas.
Racial Passive — Hardiness: +1 Stamina
Racial Passive — Diplomacy: +1 Charisma
== History ==
== History ==
During the [[Dark Ages]], the dwarves were a republic, with power split between a Monarch, a Senate, and a Supreme Court. This republic lasted for hundreds of years.
Varos, Duros, Remedia, Anashta, and Hejong created humankind in Year 3 for the purpose of creating peace between the existing elves and dwarves. The first humans were strong, honest, conscientious, and diplomatic. They carried knowledge of civilization and survival from the gods, so that in comparison to the other races, they would not be far behind in their advancement. The only thing humans initially lacked was a permanent home.
From the year 3 to 400, the dwarves lived in a secluded state. While they had settlements south and north of the snowy mountains for farming, many of those settlements kept to themselves. Dwarves are a very isolationist people, and believe in putting their nation first above all others, even self. This has resulted in them being distrusting of outsiders.
Humans set about their divine task with enthusiasm. By the end of their first year in Ilisara, humans had ended the war between elves and dwarves through several peacekeeping meetings, and the drafting of an intricate treaty. As part of the new tentative alliance — the forerunner of the official [[Confederacy]] — humans inhabited the former contested territory between the dwarves and elves, in the fertile valley of Thrain.
In the year 400, King Thorin was assassinated by the [[Dark Dwarves]] who stole Mithrus and Ilterendi for themselves. The senate convened to appoint an emergency king, but the entire senate was killed when tunnels from underneath the senate chamber were collapsed by the dark dwarves. This resulted in a power vacuum. General Lokkhan stepped forward to seize control of a nation spiraling to it's doom. This incident began the [[Great War]], which fueled a hateful relationship between the [[Sun Elves]] and Dwarves.
== Personality ==
50 years after the start of the Great War, the Dwarves managed to bring the dark dwarves responsible for the instigation of the Great War to justice, and returned Ilterendi to the elves. This ended the war, and left the Dwarven nation in ruins, in more ways than one.
Humans are all driven in some way towards teamwork and collaboration. They are not typically loners. However, hundreds of years have passed since their initial divine creation. Many new traits have been introduced to humanity as a whole. Greed, ambition, passion, nobility, tranquility; humans vary wildly from person to person, and they are all unique individuals.
The Great War completely destroyed all of the farms north of Snowpeak. The soil had been contaminated and ruined to the point where it would take hundreds of years to grow anything other than weeds. The forest of Thrain was a tempting choice to cultivate, but it belonged to humanity. This drove the dwarves further south with their farming efforts. In the mean time, starvation and economic despair gripped the nation. King Lokkhan established martial law to prevent rioting and looting. Under his rule, the nation barely managed to prevent catastrophe.
The greater goals of human society tend to be prosperity, unity, and innovation.
In the years following King Lokkhan’s rule, future military generals would take the role of King, and also struggle to keep the Dwarven nation afloat economically. Unwilling to admit their vulnerability to the outside world, they kept the true nature of their poverty a secret. Large public works programs for those unable to get jobs were started, involving large digging efforts in Snowpeak to create reserve housing and storage for a longer, harsher war. These tunnels were massive, and carved over the course of hundreds of years.
== Appearance ==
In recent history, a massive battle during the [[Drums of War]] campaign resulted in the dwarves taking severe losses in resources and people. Since the war in Year 700 they have been locked away in their mountain and refuse to interact with the outside world. Very few dwarves still roam Hellan. Those that do tend to be in relationships with humans, or otherwise have a good reason not to be holed up in the dwarven capital city, Snowpeak. They are very rare.
Humans are physically diverse. There is no typical human. An individual can stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale. Darker tones indicate ancestors who were created with more subtle influence from Varos (for the tan of creatures who bask in the sun), and lighter tones from Anashta (for the paleness of creatures who live in the ocean depths).
== Personality ==
Hair colors range from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight); males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick. Some humans have a dash of nonhuman blood, revealing hints of elf lineage. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and rarely live even a single century.
Humans from Thrain and in human forts tend to enjoy wearing Roman-styled clothing, especially togas. These togas are made of cloth, silk, or synthetic silk. Togas come in every color for casual day-wear, but formal togas are worn for special events. Formal togas are colored to indicate the wearer’s caste, and it’s a social faux pas to wear the wrong color. Spartan leather armor is popular. Men and women wear robes, tunics, and pants, though dresses are typically reserved for women.
== Combat and Professions ==
Humans are remarkably versatile. They can learn magic or train with any weapon. Jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, humans are renown for building on the fighting styles of other cultures.
Humans hold jobs of every kind. Sailors, soldiers, missionaries, merchants, politicians, scoundrels, chefs — humans are not drawn to any particular role, though the more traditional ones enjoy serving others and helping society flourish.
Dwarves are well known for their work ethic, whether they are a blacksmith, baker, or politician. Stereotypes tend to cast dwarves as being overly fond of both money and alcohol, though in truth most will put family and clan above all else. Their courage and endurance is renown in Ilisara.
== Society ==
Most dwarves are resolute and down-to-earth. They care not for the whimsical inventions of humans, nor the fanciful religion and arts of the elves; dwarves are rational, honest, and believe in what they can see and touch. They tend to form strong internal bonds and have insider jokes and customs that outsiders will either never see or never understand. As a result, many dwarves seem difficult to like and lack the charm of other races, though this trait isn’t common to all dwarves. Dwarves are not entirely unsocial and more than a few have a natural knack for bartering or judging the value of an offer, something that sat well with their legendary crafting abilities.
Every human of Thrain belongs to a caste. Members of different castes freely interact despite the definitions for where they belong. Each caste wears a particular color to designate their station at formal events. The castes and their corresponding colors are listed below:
Many dwarves inherently desire gold and precious gems, owing to their creation by the god of earth. It is an instinctual call to their divine roots. To some, this might be called “greed”.
*The governing caste: Purple
*The military: Red
*The elite and middle caste: Black
*The agricultural and rural caste: Green
*The poor and unemployed city masses: Grey
== Appearance ==
One’s caste is a badge of pride. Humans understand that every single caste is needed in a great society, and that not everyone can be the ruling class. Due to their democratic systems, every member of Thrain has a voice regardless of caste. A common phrase humans use to indicate this harmony between castes and their kin is “Thrain invincible, Thrain forever”. To humans, all fellow humans are family, no matter what they look like or how much money they have.
Though they stand well under 5 feet tall, dwarves are quite broad and compact and weigh as much as a human. Dwarves are a long-lived race, and reached physical maturity somewhat later than humans. A dwarf is traditionally considered an adult once he or she reaches fifty. Dwarves age like humans but over a longer period of time, remaining vigorous well past 100 years.
Humans have developed some of their own traditions, most notably spectacular gladiator fights. Typically, these are violent affairs with healers standing by to mend the wounded. Although fights used to be to the death, the tradition has changed, and now it is customary for winners to spare losing combatants as a sign of temperance and good sportsmanship. Thrain has a colosseum dedicated to gladiator battles between men, beasts, and any other combatants.
Dwarven skin ranges from deep brown to a paler hue tinged with red, but the most common shades are light brown or deep tan, like certain tones of earth. Their hair, worn long but in simple styles, is usually black, gray, or brown, though paler dwarves often have red hair. Male dwarves value their beards highly and groom them carefully.
Being the third race, humans have a reverence and interest for the sun elves and dwarves who came before them. Humans “borrow” from other cultures to form their own unique traditions. One of the fads rising in the 7th century is the “free love” movement inspired by the wood elves. This movement is a celebration of non-traditional romance, and freedom of spirit and mind.  
== Combat and Professions ==
Humans do not have strong opinions or regulations surrounding:
Dwarves make excellent warriors, smiths, and masons. They have a knack for visualizing spaces and a great understanding of physics owing to their race’s fantastic feats of tunneling.
*Marriage or romance
*Having children
== Society ==
To humanity, one's personal life is their own business. Because humans are traditionally community-focused, as long as a person contributes to society, what they do in private is their choice. This is reflected in the Praetor Maximus’ role. Despite being the overseer of Thrain, the Praetor is free to live where they like, marry who they like, and travel wherever they wish so long as their responsibilities are completed.
Pride in their ancient kingdoms rich in grandeur, halls carved into the roots of mountains, the echoing of picks and hammers in deep mines and blazing forges, a commitment to clan and tradition; these common threads unite all dwarves. Dwarves have a reverence and respect for [[Duros]] and say a quick prayer to him before falling asleep or forging a new metal item.
Communities of humans (forts, the capital city, and small towns) tend to have a set of freedoms and liberties afforded to all citizens, including legal rights and a responsibility to treat others equally. They also have systems in place to aid the poor, sick, and elderly. Whether run by volunteers or religious folks serving the community in the name of their god, these systems ensure that there are opportunities for poor folk to eat and for the sick to be healed for little coin.
Dwarvish forts vs. Snowpeak
[[Thrain]] has a few of its own special customs and political structure.
=== Language ===
=== Language ===
Dwarves speak Dwarvish, and learn Common out of necessity. Dwarvish is spoken in Snowpeak and in Dwarvish forts almost exclusively.
All humans speak Common. Common is a language spoken by every race in Hellan. There are no languages uniquely spoken by humanity. However, many humans are bilingual or trilingual, having learned the languages of their allies in the Confederacy (particularly Elvish or Dwarvish).
=== Religion ===
=== Religion ===
Though the dwarves have their own patron god, [[Duros]], they are not fanatic religious followers like the sun elves are. Instead, dwarves live by sensible tenets and ideals that are inspired by their god’s teachings. There are clerics and paladins devoted to Duros, and a modest church organized in his name, but the church does not hold any power in the dwarven government.
Humans worship many gods in the pantheon. There is no one unifying religion for humankind, and all humans are religious to varying degrees. The following gods are most commonly worshiped:
=== Interracial Relations ===
[[Anashta]] - The goddess of love and the sea.
[[Hejong]] - The god of war and duty.
[[Remedia]] - The goddess of life.
Dwarves are seen as allies by every race in Hellan, save for the elves. Dwarves have a very tentative “alliance” with the sun elves and tend not to interact with them unless forced to do so. On the individual-level, some traditional dwarves and elves are xenophobic towards each other. Others simply don’t care. Seldom few get along as friends, but those that do have strong bonds.  
[[Varos]] - The god of the sun and justice.
The Orcish Warlords would slaughter dwarves given the chance as would every hostile Isandorian race.  
[[Duros]] - The god of the earth.
As far as compatibility cross-species goes, dwarves can have children with any other humanoid race. Dwarven genes are stronger than all others, so their offspring often skew heavily towards looking like a dwarf.  
Anashta, Hejong, and Remedia are humanity's favored three gods. Varos and Duros are patrons of the elves and dwarves, but are still honored and revered by humans.
The children of dwarf-human couples tend to be accepted by society. Half-orcs or half-animaloids are usually met with apprehension, fear, or are simply frowned upon. Half-dwarf, half-elf children are definitely not approved of, but can hide relatively easily within dwarvish society as the few elven traits they might have are easily hidden.
=== Interracial Relations ===
=== Threats ===
Humans are seen as friends and allies by every race in Hellan. The [[Orcish Warlords]] are neutral towards humans, but would not hesitate to cut them down if humans got in their way.
[[Snowpeak]], the dwarven capital city, resides within a mighty mountain range. Its tunnels reach far beneath the earth. The city and its sprawling tunnels are impenetrable by any outside force and thus the dwarves face no real threat but famine if they do not have a food source from the outside to help sustain their population. In dire times, dwarves can subsist on cave lichen and mushrooms, but they require a nutrient-rich diet and the entire population cannot live on cave food alone.
Humans are compatible with almost every other race in Hellan. Half-elves are the most common mix, and take on traits from both of their parents. Half-dwarves often appear simply as tall dwarves -- dwarven genes are stronger than most anything else.  
== Politics ==
The children of elf-human and dwarf-human couples tend to be accepted by society. Half-orcs or half-animaloids are usually met with apprehension, fear, or are simply frowned upon.
When humanity offered to create a Confederacy, the dwarves accepted out of necessity. They could not afford another war with the Sun Elves at this time, even if they wanted one to avenge the centuries of suffering inflicted upon them. This has lead to an ever-bitter distaste for elves among dwarves, who otherwise would be too proud to admit why they hate elves.
=== Threats ===
In present day, the economic crisis has largely passed, and the Dwarven nation has been returned to one of prosperity thanks in large part to the peace provided by the Confederacy. However, the Confederacy still represents how desperate the dwarves have become. Many would rather see the dwarves depart from the Confederacy and live as a free nation-state, while many others would rather see the Confederacy grow to expand their influence.
Humans do not have many threats. Their capital lies in the sheltered lands between the elves and dwarves. Once, they were threatened by Dark Elves, but that threat has been eliminated as of the Year 700. Orcs are a threat to every race on Hellan, but live primarily in Isandor so their presence is far away from most human settlements.
Dwarves in present day belong to two political parties. There are the Traditionalists, who believe in the old republic's ways, glorifying the past republic as an example of what they should return to, and the Militarists, who believe in the current social order of military leadership. Currently the Militarists outnumber the Traditionalists, and thus the military has been able to retain power.
== Notable Humans ==
“Though we have suffered tragedy, and loss, we will endure. Thrain is a special nation - it combines the best aspects of every god and goddess, and makes them it’s own. We are a hub of peace - renown for bringing harmony to warring nations, and a center for diplomacy.” — [[Markus Thrain]]. As of the year 700, Markus is the Praetor Maximus of Thrain. He is a war hero dedicated to uniting the Confederacy.
== Notable Dwarves ==
"Long have our people fought for the freedom of all of Hellan. Thrain is a special nation, one that knows the pain of sacrifice. Look to our poor, our suffering class - it is on their sacrifice that the nation’s goodwill spreads through Hellan. Look to our elite, for it is on their dime that our war machine is funded. Look to our farmers, for it is their bread that feeds the nations of Hellan. Look to our military, for it is on their swords that our enemies DIE! Take pride in what you are, no matter what you are. Because you serve as a part of the greater whole of Thrain, the greatest nation on Ilisara.” — Senator Vrenak. Senator Vrenak is a nationalist absorbed with Thrain’s wellbeing and the acquisition of power.

Revision as of 15:52, 24 August 2019


Humans in Ilisara are widespread. They can be found all over Hellan. Aside from a few scattered colonies too few in number to be notable, all humans are citizens of the great nation of Thrain. Thrain is not only the human capital, but the empire of humanity in Ilisara.

In general, humans are intelligent and straight-forward people, viewed favorably by the other races for their contributions to geopolitics and creativity. They are renown for their diversity and democratic tendencies, and although they lack specialization, they can excel in many areas.

Racial Passive — Diplomacy: +1 Charisma


Varos, Duros, Remedia, Anashta, and Hejong created humankind in Year 3 for the purpose of creating peace between the existing elves and dwarves. The first humans were strong, honest, conscientious, and diplomatic. They carried knowledge of civilization and survival from the gods, so that in comparison to the other races, they would not be far behind in their advancement. The only thing humans initially lacked was a permanent home.

Humans set about their divine task with enthusiasm. By the end of their first year in Ilisara, humans had ended the war between elves and dwarves through several peacekeeping meetings, and the drafting of an intricate treaty. As part of the new tentative alliance — the forerunner of the official Confederacy — humans inhabited the former contested territory between the dwarves and elves, in the fertile valley of Thrain.


Humans are all driven in some way towards teamwork and collaboration. They are not typically loners. However, hundreds of years have passed since their initial divine creation. Many new traits have been introduced to humanity as a whole. Greed, ambition, passion, nobility, tranquility; humans vary wildly from person to person, and they are all unique individuals.

The greater goals of human society tend to be prosperity, unity, and innovation.


Humans are physically diverse. There is no typical human. An individual can stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale. Darker tones indicate ancestors who were created with more subtle influence from Varos (for the tan of creatures who bask in the sun), and lighter tones from Anashta (for the paleness of creatures who live in the ocean depths).

Hair colors range from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight); males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick. Some humans have a dash of nonhuman blood, revealing hints of elf lineage. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and rarely live even a single century.

Humans from Thrain and in human forts tend to enjoy wearing Roman-styled clothing, especially togas. These togas are made of cloth, silk, or synthetic silk. Togas come in every color for casual day-wear, but formal togas are worn for special events. Formal togas are colored to indicate the wearer’s caste, and it’s a social faux pas to wear the wrong color. Spartan leather armor is popular. Men and women wear robes, tunics, and pants, though dresses are typically reserved for women.

Combat and Professions

Humans are remarkably versatile. They can learn magic or train with any weapon. Jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, humans are renown for building on the fighting styles of other cultures.

Humans hold jobs of every kind. Sailors, soldiers, missionaries, merchants, politicians, scoundrels, chefs — humans are not drawn to any particular role, though the more traditional ones enjoy serving others and helping society flourish.


Every human of Thrain belongs to a caste. Members of different castes freely interact despite the definitions for where they belong. Each caste wears a particular color to designate their station at formal events. The castes and their corresponding colors are listed below:

  • The governing caste: Purple
  • The military: Red
  • The elite and middle caste: Black
  • The agricultural and rural caste: Green
  • The poor and unemployed city masses: Grey

One’s caste is a badge of pride. Humans understand that every single caste is needed in a great society, and that not everyone can be the ruling class. Due to their democratic systems, every member of Thrain has a voice regardless of caste. A common phrase humans use to indicate this harmony between castes and their kin is “Thrain invincible, Thrain forever”. To humans, all fellow humans are family, no matter what they look like or how much money they have.

Humans have developed some of their own traditions, most notably spectacular gladiator fights. Typically, these are violent affairs with healers standing by to mend the wounded. Although fights used to be to the death, the tradition has changed, and now it is customary for winners to spare losing combatants as a sign of temperance and good sportsmanship. Thrain has a colosseum dedicated to gladiator battles between men, beasts, and any other combatants.

Being the third race, humans have a reverence and interest for the sun elves and dwarves who came before them. Humans “borrow” from other cultures to form their own unique traditions. One of the fads rising in the 7th century is the “free love” movement inspired by the wood elves. This movement is a celebration of non-traditional romance, and freedom of spirit and mind.

Humans do not have strong opinions or regulations surrounding:

  • Marriage or romance
  • Having children
  • Education
  • Lifestyle
  • Home

To humanity, one's personal life is their own business. Because humans are traditionally community-focused, as long as a person contributes to society, what they do in private is their choice. This is reflected in the Praetor Maximus’ role. Despite being the overseer of Thrain, the Praetor is free to live where they like, marry who they like, and travel wherever they wish so long as their responsibilities are completed.

Communities of humans (forts, the capital city, and small towns) tend to have a set of freedoms and liberties afforded to all citizens, including legal rights and a responsibility to treat others equally. They also have systems in place to aid the poor, sick, and elderly. Whether run by volunteers or religious folks serving the community in the name of their god, these systems ensure that there are opportunities for poor folk to eat and for the sick to be healed for little coin.

Thrain has a few of its own special customs and political structure.


All humans speak Common. Common is a language spoken by every race in Hellan. There are no languages uniquely spoken by humanity. However, many humans are bilingual or trilingual, having learned the languages of their allies in the Confederacy (particularly Elvish or Dwarvish).


Humans worship many gods in the pantheon. There is no one unifying religion for humankind, and all humans are religious to varying degrees. The following gods are most commonly worshiped:

Anashta - The goddess of love and the sea.

Hejong - The god of war and duty.

Remedia - The goddess of life.

Varos - The god of the sun and justice.

Duros - The god of the earth.

Anashta, Hejong, and Remedia are humanity's favored three gods. Varos and Duros are patrons of the elves and dwarves, but are still honored and revered by humans.

Interracial Relations

Humans are seen as friends and allies by every race in Hellan. The Orcish Warlords are neutral towards humans, but would not hesitate to cut them down if humans got in their way.

Humans are compatible with almost every other race in Hellan. Half-elves are the most common mix, and take on traits from both of their parents. Half-dwarves often appear simply as tall dwarves -- dwarven genes are stronger than most anything else.

The children of elf-human and dwarf-human couples tend to be accepted by society. Half-orcs or half-animaloids are usually met with apprehension, fear, or are simply frowned upon.


Humans do not have many threats. Their capital lies in the sheltered lands between the elves and dwarves. Once, they were threatened by Dark Elves, but that threat has been eliminated as of the Year 700. Orcs are a threat to every race on Hellan, but live primarily in Isandor so their presence is far away from most human settlements.

Notable Humans

“Though we have suffered tragedy, and loss, we will endure. Thrain is a special nation - it combines the best aspects of every god and goddess, and makes them it’s own. We are a hub of peace - renown for bringing harmony to warring nations, and a center for diplomacy.” — Markus Thrain. As of the year 700, Markus is the Praetor Maximus of Thrain. He is a war hero dedicated to uniting the Confederacy.

"Long have our people fought for the freedom of all of Hellan. Thrain is a special nation, one that knows the pain of sacrifice. Look to our poor, our suffering class - it is on their sacrifice that the nation’s goodwill spreads through Hellan. Look to our elite, for it is on their dime that our war machine is funded. Look to our farmers, for it is their bread that feeds the nations of Hellan. Look to our military, for it is on their swords that our enemies DIE! Take pride in what you are, no matter what you are. Because you serve as a part of the greater whole of Thrain, the greatest nation on Ilisara.” — Senator Vrenak. Senator Vrenak is a nationalist absorbed with Thrain’s wellbeing and the acquisition of power.